In a few weeks, is it possible to learn JavaScript? How long does it take to reach a level of expertise?
These can be the first thoughts that spring to mind if you want to learn how to code or want to become a frontend developer.
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There is no one correct response to these queries, just like there are many other programming-related subjects. JavaScript is a pretty simple programming language, nonetheless. As a result, how much effort you are willing to devote to learning JS will directly affect how much time it takes.
How does it take to learn JavaScript?
One year, to keep it simple. You will need at least a year to study JavaScript from scratch and become a Junior Software Engineer who is prepared for employment. Four learning phases can be separated into these twelve months. (Note: All individuals must go through these phases of learning, even though their exact timelines vary.)
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Novice (1 - 3 months)
You've only recently begun learning JavaScript at this point. You'll spend a lot of time in the first few weeks going through a course that will teach you all the fundamental JavaScript ideas.
It's normal if you don't instantly understand all the novel and strange JavaScript ideas; over time, you will begin to understand them. The major objective of this phase is to get comfortable with the JavaScript syntax, understand how the language operates, and create simple applications to help you learn how to write JS code.
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Advance beginner (4 - 6 months)
You ought to be familiar with the fundamental ideas and workings of JavaScript by the end of the fourth month. You've mastered JavaScript's key concepts and are proficient at using it to write programmes.
Your primary objective moving forward is to put what you've learned into practise, and the fastest way to do so is to create little projects.
Intermediate (7 - 9 months)
You are no longer a beginner at this point since you are familiar with JavaScript's fundamental ideas. You should spend the remaining months of the year honing your JavaScript abilities.
The majority of your time will be spent working on constructing projects because this is where the main learning takes place, however occasionally you may still need to refer to certain tutorials and instructions.
Advance intermediate (10 - 12 months)
You should now be able to develop Full-Stack JavaScript applications, read and comprehend the code, and understand how to repair faults and mistakes at this point. You are now essentially a JavaScript intermediate and qualified for entry-level software engineer positions.
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There you have it, then! In other words, it will take one year for a software engineer to become job-ready from scratch. Just keep in mind that how quickly you acquire a skill depends on your educational background, amount of learning time, and learning style.