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go vs java

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Go vs Java: differences and similarities you should know

Here in this blog, CodeAvail experts will explain to you about Go vs Java in detail.

Java and Go both use widely programming languages around the world. Go, also recognized as Golang, is a procedural programming language. In 2007 it was developed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert but as an open-source language, it was launched in 2009.

Go vs Java

Griesemer Being an open-source language for programming, Go performs it easy to make efficient, simple, and reliable software. By using packages programs collect, for effective dependencies management. On the other hand, Java is a computer programming language utilized for general purposes and is object-oriented, concurrent, and class-based. Java is specifically intended to accommodate fewer implementation dependencies.

Java Applications run on Java Virtual Machine. It is one of the most outstanding and important programming languages today. Java is secure, reliable, and fast. To produce software for various platforms Java programming language uses. Just read this article for a more detailed difference and comparison of both the programming languages.

What is the Go programming language?

Go is an open-source programming language that gives it easy to make efficient, simple and reliable software. Syntactically Go is similar to C, but with structural typing, memory safety, CSP-style concurrency, and garbage collection. Because of its domain name,, the language is usually known as “Golang” but the usual name is Go.

Pros of Go programming language

Go is quick as compared to other programming languages and compiles very fast. It involves automating memory management, garbage collection so it is not a job the developer has to do manually.

Go programming has documentation as a standard feature, which makes it easy for developers to code documentation. It also has a strong standard library covering a broad range of areas.

Go programming helps concurrency at the level of the language, meaning it allows likeness more efficiently than other languages. Several developers say they like Go’s style and simplicity. It is simple to understand and strives to be accessible to both reading and writing.

What is the Java programming language?

Java is a computer programming language utilized for general purposes and is object-oriented, concurrent, and class-based. By James Gosling it was developed in 1995 at Sun Microsystems, the organization later received by Oracle in 2009. The language is made so that developers can run it on all platforms that support Java without requiring to recompile.

Pros of Java programming language

It is one of the most common programming languages used by individuals today, and it is not tough to understand why. Likewise, Apps for Android, the world is leading mobile platforms, are completely built by the use of Java. Also, it is a staple of performance computing, used by 90% of Fortune 500 organizations.

It is comparatively simple to master with lots of reusable code already available. It is also platform-independent, thus it can simply move from one computer system to another or run the identical program on many various systems.

Comparison for Go vs Java



Go is an independent programming language and has two compilers such as go and GCC go.

Expression Syntax

The syntax of Go is defined by utilizing the Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).


For routing configuration Go uses HTTP protocol


Normally faster than Java

Mobile Support

The Go mobile sub repository incorporates mobile support for mobile platforms like Android and iOS and gives tools for developing mobile apps.


It doesn’t give any VM such as Java JVM. This language only compiles to metal like c/c++.

Dependency Injection

Uses dependency injection


But, it Can be managed easily



Java is an independent language.

Expression Syntax

The syntax is identical everywhere – independent of a compiler or an IDE.


For routing configuration Java Uses Akka.routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter and Akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter


It is slower than Go

Mobile Support

It depends on the device manufacturers.


Also, It connects both the compilation and interpretation procedure. Bytecode is represented by JVM. Machine code created by Java Virtual machine and executed by the system in which the Java program runs.

Dependency Injection

Uses dependency injection and provides modification


Easier to maintain, Better structure, maintain extensive applications, and user-friendly.


For this reason, Go was designed by engineers of Google and was really designed to give fast advancements and reactions. Much more useful for present-day processing systems, and a much clearer human-unmistakable code than several frameworks languages like C++ or C. Java allows the developers to run the identical code on different platforms.


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