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C Vs Java: Everything you need to know

Writer: CodeAvailCodeAvail

Computer science students always have a concern between C vs Java. They are not able to decide which is the best OOPs language. In this blog, our experts are going to share everything you need to know between C vs Java.

Java Programming

Java is a common-purpose programming language released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. This application is a computing platform for development, pre-web apps, mobile apps, etc.

C programming

C is a procedural or general-purpose programming language designed by Dennis Richie in 1972. It is older than Java.

Java Hello World Example

public class Hello{

public static void main(String[] args){

System.out.println(“Hello, World”);



C Hello World Example

#include <studio.n>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)


printf(“Hello World!\n”);


Now, let’s talk about the offering, the features means.

Features of Java-

Java offers many features that make it the king of all programming languages-

Java is simple

It is an object-oriented language

Java is widely used because of its security feature.

Java run of JVM, this means it works (write once, run anywhere)

On the other hand,

The characteristics of C explain how C becomes the mother of every programming languages-

C programming provides you a structured oriented feature. That will divide your code and task with a function.

C is an easy and simple programming language that presents a structured approach to working your questions in parts.

This allows the user to allocate memory at run time.

With Dynamic Memory Management, you can manually manage your program’s memory terms at run time.

Pointers in C support to store the memory address as its value.


C supports a top-down strategy, which means that the flow of the program is also important than the data it works on.

Another approach, Java follows the down-up approach.

Object management-

In C, object management is executed manually.

There is a garbage collector in Java, which is automatically controlled.


C does not support threads, on the other hand, Java is the reverse.


Java maintains overloading for code readability, but not C.

Applications of C Vs Java in the real world

There are various real-time use examples in Java, but it is mainly used to develop applications,

Desktop applications

web Applications

Desktop applications

Mobile app

Enterprise app

Scientific Application

Real-time software

Smart Card


Computer games etc.

C is largely used to create new programming languages, but there are some important applications of C –

Design operating system

Design network tools

Evaluate Mathematical Equations

Create compilers of different languages

Developing graphical applications

Used in robotics

Java programming Use in Companies-











C programming Use in Companies-












C is procedure-oriented while Java is object-oriented. To explain how difficult the object-oriented will be, I will only describe to you what its benefits are on procedure-oriented. Object-oriented is more modular i.e. code can be reused in many programs in the future.


Java is an interpreted language it is first converted to byte code and then JVM (Java Virtual Machine). While C instantly compiled. That supports Java receive more portability, i.e. it can run on most devices.


C is faster than Java in most situations.

Ease of understanding:

Java is easier to understand than c because Java is closer to the English language while c more towards refers to the machine language.


Everything in Java should not be initially declared you can declare it just before using it. Whereas in C you need to declare everything before the actual program starts.

Memory Management:

Java Memory is handled behind the views which we call a garbage collector who eliminates items that are no longer in use. While this user is defined in C, the programmer must accept malloc and free functions to clear or allocate memory.

Method overload:

In Java, we can work with the same functions name called the method overloading. While in c you cannot work with the same function name.


Short elements in Java combine to solve the problem while the whole program is first defined in C and then separated into smaller elements.

Error handling:

Java errors result in an exception thrown that can be controlled by using various exception handling but if there is an error in C you can do nothing but resolve it.

C Vs Java

C programming language is a procedural language but in the case of Java is a pure object-oriented language.

Header files- In C we use the stdio.h header file but Java does not support any header files.

Platform Independent- C is platforms dependent, i.e. you cannot run the equivalent code in another operating system but in Java is a platform-independent language.

Pointers- We use pointers in C programming language. Java will not support pointers.

Operator Overloading– Operator Overloading concept is not in Java.

Multiple Inheritance- We do not use many inheritances in Java. In Java, we use interfaces instead of many inheritances.

Translator- Java uses the compiler and interpreter but uses only the compiler in C.

Web application– Internet programming such as frames, the applet is work in Java, not in C.

Operator– dot (.) operator is used alternatively in the scope resolution operator.

Package- We can create our package in Java (set of classes) but not in C.

When you compile a Java program, a common bytecode is generated, which is interpreted by the Java virtual machine itself. That way you write a program once, and the virtual machine can translate the bytecode into a command to a particular processor.

Java program execution is slower because the intermediate bytecode has to be interpreted.

Java uses a “Garbage Collectors” The programmable does not have to handle it so it automatically manages memory.

C Programming Language

C uses the concept of structures but not object-oriented. In C we use the concept of pointers whereas there are no pointers in JAVA. Programmers in C need to manually manage the memory. “Malloc()” ” and “Free ( )” fundamental memory allocations are library calls. We must declare Variables in C at the beginning of the block. C supports statements, structure, and union, unlike Java. C has compiled to the machines “native language”, so it is much faster than the execution of Java. We can’t reuse and openly the code by default members.

The C program will have a larger memory footprint than the equivalent program written in pure machine code, but the total memory usage of the C program is much smaller than that of the Java program because C does not require the loading of the execution interpreter JVM.

The principal differences between Java and C are speed, portability, and object-orientation.


Now, you learn the difference between C Vs Java programming language. If you need any programming help related to do my java assignment or help with java assignment solution. Codeavail professional programming experts of C and Java are available to provide you the best solution 24/7.


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